Executive Education HEC Montréal Launches Global Media Peace Awards

In a context marked by record military expenditures and global tensions exacerbated by persistent conflicts, the Executive Education HEC Montréal, in collaboration with Pale Bleu Dot Foundation – Japan, is launching the Global Media Peace Awards.

This initiative aims to encourage and support peace-building efforts on a global scale. Open to all, these awards will recognize the contributions of radio, television and digital in conflict prevention and resolution.

Considering relevant storytelling on peacekeeping as the main topic of the Awards, the accepted media genres in this competition are documentary, reportage, and docudrama. News programs and radio drama will also be accepted for these Awards. The theme / message of the story/ program should be on conflict prevention or conflict resolution.

The Awards are presented to the most innovative and remarkable radio, video/television and digital programs/ contents/ stories focused on the proposed topic, with the intent of encouraging high-quality program production.

Entries across each category will win C$5000, C$2500 and C$1500 as first, second and third award winners.

The awards are open to all public and private media organisations as well as individual content producers.

Radio Jury members include:

  • Dan Santa (Chairperson), Ph. D., director-International Relations, Radio Romania
  • Andrea Borgnino, Journalist, author, and radio host, Rai – Italy
  • Irina Kornienko, Director of the Radio Culture Channel of the Ukrainian Public Broadcaster
  • Giedrius Masalskis, Head of Radio – The Lithuanian Public Broadcaster
  • Colleen Holder, Dir. Corp. Comms. & Productions, Parliament of Trinidad, and Tobago
  • Ade Irosadi, Head of LPP RRI- Indonesia
  • Flavia Voinea, Journalist, Manager of Bucharest FM Radio Romania Regional Network

Digital Media Jury members include:

  • Manuela Kasper-Claridge (Chairperson), Editor-In-Chief of Deutsche Welle, Germany’s International Public Broadcaster
  • Rebecca Hanson, Director-General, North American Broadcasters Association (NABA)
  • Kyung Heekim, Executive Producer of KBS Radio’s Hanminjok Channel
  • Wendy Everett, Journalist – leading her own media consultancy in Australia
  • Chevaan Daniel, Group Director of The Capital Maharaja Organization Sri Lanka
  • Steve Ahern, Manager of ABC Radio Sydney
  • Akim Mogaji, Expert trainer, Change-maker and Producer-Co-funded New Media Networks (NMN)

Serge Lafrance, Director, Executive Education HEC Montréal, and Associate Professor Member of the UNICON Board of Directors said: “The Russo-Ukrainian or Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, among others, exacerbate global tensions, while the rise of racism and intolerance constitutes another major concern. In the face of these challenges, Executive Education HEC Montréal, in partnership with international actors, is honored to participate in the Global Media Peace Awards, whose main objective is to promote and support efforts to strengthen peace on a global scale.”

Shigeru Aoyagi, Founder and Director General, Pale Bleu Dot Foundation, Japan – Former UNESCO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific said: “Global Media Peace Awards (GMPA), presented jointly by Executive Education HEC Montréal and Pale Bleu Dot (PBD) Foundation, Japan, is more than just an event. It is a platform to recognize and celebrate the critical role played by media creators in promoting peace and its fundamental element, sustainable development. Our planet, Earth, is precious, yet facing crises from conflict to climate change. Peace and sustainability, rooted in our minds, are crucial for a brighter future. Media holds immense power to shape societies and influence our world. As Johan Galtung highlights, positive peace goes beyond the absence of wars and conflicts to foster harmony. Amidst crises, understanding and presenting diverse realities are vital. Let us embark on this joint endeavour for a better tomorrow.”

“Today, humanity is facing unprecedented challenges, from natural and man-made conflicts and climate change to environmental degradation. These crises inflict immense suffering on humanity and pose severe risks to our planet. More than ever, there is an urgent need to foster peace, tolerance, mutual understanding, and sustainable development by changing our mindsets, behaviours, and actions. Media can play a crucial role in shaping the public opinion and help bring peace and sustainability,” said Dr Javad Mottaghi, Adjunct Professor, Department of International Business, HEC·Montreal

Register for the awards here.

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