Liberian lawmakers review proposed law on operations of community radio stations

Members of the Liberian House of Representatives are currently reviewing a proposed law aimed at providing a legal framework to regulate and govern the ownership, management, licensing, and operations of Community Radio Stations across the country.

The bill, titled “An Act to Govern Community Radio Ownership, Management, Licensing, and Operations in Liberia,” was introduced by Nimba County District #2 Representative, Nyahn Flomo.

The objective of the bill is to protect and promote the independence of community radio stations, ensure they serve the public interest in their respective areas, foster impartial and viable programming, and promote democracy, peace, and cultural values.

Additionally, the bill aims to enhance community participation, support the sustainability of community radio stations, and ensure the availability of diverse programming on matters of public interest.

The bill received its first reading on Tuesday, 4th June 2024 and the Joint Committee on Information, Broadcast, Culture and Tourism and Judiciary has been mandated by the House’s Plenary to probe the bill and report within two weeks. It needs at least one more reading to be passed into law and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

According to Rep. Flomo, to be classified as a community radio station under the proposed law, certain criteria must be met, including establishment as a not-for-profit entity, operation within a specific community or district, and the production of at least 50% of local content by community residents.

The lawmaker, in his communication, said there are over one hundred and thirty community radio stations spread across Liberia, and with even more to come and with such proliferation, it is imperative to have an appropriate and relevant legal framework in place to guide and govern the ownership, management, licensing, and operations of Community Radio.

The bill I am hereto submitting has the following objectives: to promote and protect the independence of community radio stations around the country; To ensure that community radio stations serve the interest of the public in their area of operations; and To ensure community radio is independent, impartial and viable in promoting democracy, peace and the cultural values of the areas they serve and to promote the production of program content considering the cultural, religious, ethnic, social values and educational needs of their host communities,” Flomo explained in his communication.

To promote and strengthen support for the continued existence of community radio stations in Liberia; To protect and promote the right of the community to access their programming and participate in the operation of the station by ensuring the availability of a wide variety of programming on issues of public interest and in relevant formats; To promote the appropriate use of new technology; and To enhance the overall sustainability and viability of the community radio sector in Liberia.”

The bill also indicates that community radio stations should maintain independence from political or special interest groups to preserve their neutrality. The bill has been forwarded to the Joint Committee on Information, Broadcast, Culture and Tourism, and Judiciary for further review and will require an additional reading before it can be submitted to the Senate for approval.

Flomo has urged swift support for the enactment of the proposed legislation in the interest of the Liberian people, particularly those residing in rural areas of the country.

Honorable Speaker and distinguished colleagues, it is my humble appeal to this august body and my fervent hope that you join me to expeditiously support the enactment of ‘An Act to Govern Community Radio Ownership, Management, Licensing, and Operations in Liberia’, in the sovereign interest of the people of Liberia, especially those in the rural parts of this country,” he said.

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